
Rising Spell Force
INNATE:Ezreal's abilities generate a stack of Rising Spell Force  for every enemy they hit, stacking up to 5 times and lasting for 6 seconds, refreshing on subsequent ability hits.Each stack grants him 10% bonus attack speed up to 50% at 5 stacks.

Mystic Shot                   TARGET RANGE:1200 WIDTH:120 SPEED:200 CAST TIME:0,25
                                        COST:28/31/34/37/40 MANA  COOLDOWN:5,5/5,25/5/4,75/4,5

ACTIVE:Ezreal fires a bolt of energy in a line in the target                      PHYSICAL DAMAGE:
direction.dealing physical damage to the first enemy hit and                       20/45/70/95/120
applying on-hit and on-attack effects at 100%                                            (+ 130% AD)(+ 15% AP)

if Mystic Shot successfully hits an enemy, Ezreal's abilities cooldown  are reduced by 1,5 seconds (including Mystic Shot's)

Essence Flux             TARGET RANGE:1200 WIDTH:160 SPEED:1700  CAST TIME:0,25 
                                   COST:50 MANA COOLDOWN:12

ACTINE:Ezreal  fires  an orb  in the  target direction that sticks onto fist enemy champion , epic moster , or structure hit for 4 seconds  

His  next bacis  attack  or ability  against   the target  detonates  the           MAGIC  DAMAGE:
orb , dealing  them magic damage.                                                            80/135/190/245/300
                                                                                                                   (+ 50% bonus AD)(+ 75% AP)

Detonating  with an ability  fylly refunds the cost of that ability  and rstores 60 mana.

Arcane Shift        TARGET RANGE:475  EFFECT RADIUS:750  SPEED:2000  CAST TIME:0,25
                              COST:90 MANA  COOLDOWN: 28/25/22/19/16

ACTIVE:After  the cast time, Ezreal  blink from his current            MAGIC DAMAGE:
location up-to 475 units towards the target location, fining a            80/130/180/230/280
homing bolt that  deals magic damage to the nearest enemy and     (+ 50% bonus AD)(+ 75% AP)
briefly reveals them.

Arcane Shift  prioritizes targets hit by Essence Flux.
The bolt does not require the target to be  visible.

Trueshot Barrage    TARGET RANGE:GLOBAL  WIDTH:320  SPEED:2000 CAST TIME:1   
                                    COST 100 MANA  COOLDOWN:120
ACTIVE:Ezreal fires  an energy projectile in the target direction       MAGIC DAMAGE:
which briefly grants  sight of the area it flies through and                 350/500/650 (+ 100% bonus AD)
deals magic damage to all enemies it passes through                         (+ 90)

Minions and non -epic  monsters  take 50% reduced                        REDUCED DAMAGE:
damage.                                                                                              175/250/325(+50% bonus AD)

Sources of informations: